How Long Does a DUI/DWI Stay on Your Record?
DUI convictions typically don't stay on your record and count as prior convictions forever. Here's how it works.
Does an Out-of-State DUI Count as a Prior DUI?
Does a prior out-of-state DUI count when adding up the number of DUI convictions a person has? And what are the penalties for a conviction?
What Is a “Restricted” or “Hardship” License?
When your license gets suspended for a DUI or some other traffic violation, it’s often possible to obtain a hardship license for driving to and from places like work and school.
What Are the Criminal Charges and Penalties for Killing Another Person While Driving Drunk?
The penalties for killing someone while driving drunk are quite severe, and vary by state law.
DMV License-Suspension Hearings Following a DUI Arrest
What the state needs to prove at a DUI administrative per se hearing for the DMV to suspend your license.
DUI Accidents
DUI Accidents
What Happens If I'm Drunk Driving and Get in an Accident That’s Not My Fault?
When a DUI involves an accident, the driver may also be liable for injuries and property damage that result.
How Much Does a First Offense DUI Cost?
We surveyed readers in different parts of the country who had been arrested for a first-offense DUI to find out how much they paid to resolve their case.
What Should I Expect If I Get a First DUI?
When does a DUI count as a first offense? And what are the penalties for a conviction?
What Should I Expect If I Get a Second DUI?
The consequences of a DUI are always serious, even for a first offense. But the penalties are further enhanced for second-offense DUIs.
What Should I Expect If I Get a Third DUI?
When does a DUI count as a third offense? And what are the penalties if I’m convicted?
Teen Drunk Driving: The Consequences of an Underage DUI
To curb underage drunk driving, all states have enacted “zero-tolerance” laws that apply to drivers who are under that age of 21. An underage DUI can not only lead to legal consequences, but also negatively affect a young person’s education and career opportunities.
Can a DUI Conviction Affect my Student Financial Aid?
Most students receive some form of federal financial aid. Here's how a DUI conviction might affect eligibility for student aid.
DMV Per Se Hearings: How They Differ From DUI Criminal Cases
A DUI arrest normally leads to administrative license suspension proceedings through the DMV and criminal charges. Learn about how these two types of proceedings are separate but related.
DMV License-Suspension Hearings Following a DUI Arrest
What the state needs to prove at a DUI administrative per se hearing for the DMV to suspend your license.
Can I Get a DUI for Sitting in a Parked Car While Drunk?
The DUI laws of many states apply even if you weren’t actually driving.
Implied Consent and DUI: What Happens If You Refuse a Chemical Test or Field Sobriety Tests?
If you get pulled over for a DUI and the officer asks you to take a blood, breath, urine, or field sobriety test, do you have to? What happens if you refuse?
Texas's DWI Implied Consent Laws and Blood or Breath Alcohol Tests
Texas’s “implied consent” law requires all drivers lawfully arrested for a DWI to submit to chemical testing to determine blood alcohol concentration (BAC) or the presence of drugs in the driver’s system. Read about the law's specifics and the penalties you'll face for refusing to take a BAC test.
Florida’s Implied Consent Law and Refusing Alcohol Testing
In Florida, if you get pulled over for a DUI and the officer asks you to take a blood, breath, or urine test, do you have to take one? What happens if you refuse?
California's DUI Implied Consent Laws: Refusing Blood Alcohol Testing
California’s “implied consent” law requires all drivers lawfully arrested for a DUI to submit to chemical testing to determine blood alcohol concentration. Read about how this law works and the penalties you'll face for an unlawful refusal.
Texas's Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) Laws and Conviction Penalties
Texas law prohibits operating a watercraft while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. Read about how the offense is defined and the penalties you'll face if convicted of a BWI
California's Boating Under the Influence (BUI) Laws and Penalties
Read about the consequences of boating under the influence (BUI) in California.
Florida's Boating Under the Influence (BUI) Laws and Penalties
Read about the consequences of boating under the influence (BUI) in Florida.