First-DUI Overview
First-DUI Overview
What Should I Expect If I Get a First DUI?
When does a DUI count as a first offense? And what are the penalties for a conviction?
Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers
How Much Does a First Offense DUI Cost?
We surveyed readers in different parts of the country who had been arrested for a first-offense DUI to find out how much they paid to resolve their case.
What Happens When You Get Your First DUI?
Getting arrested and charged with driving under the influence can be anxiety-provoking. But there are often ways of minimizing the penalties you'll face for a conviction
Can I Get Jail Time for a Misdemeanor DUI Conviction?
For most DUI and DWI convictions—even a first misdemeanor drunk driving offense—jail time is a possibility. But the likelihood of receiving a jail sentence for driving under the influence generally depends on the circumstances of your case